Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Good Morning Bamboo

Dtock gave birth to Bamboo yesterday at 13:52 Bangkok time, he weighed 3 Kilos and 320 Grams. I saw him for a very limited amount of time through a small partition about two hours after the birth and he was balling his lungs out so he obviously takes after his father in that respect.

He hasn't acquired any of his Mum's good looks yet, he's pale and bald like his Dad, I can't recall his eye colour. He had the stark appearance of my Grandad Booth when Grandad used to pull an angry face. Let's hope the wind doesn't blow on him or it may stick like that.

Dtock is looking really good and healthy, almost as if nothing has happened. Exactly like she's been all the way throughout the pregnancy, she never complains about any pain or discomfortort, she even managed to tell one of the nurses where to go in English who was complaining at her for making a mess on the floor during a contraction, you truly have an amazing mother Bamboo.

Photos will follow in a few days, I am at work and probably won't see him till he's out of the hospital, which will hopefully be on Thursday.

Blog On, Dad

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boothy, a massive congratulations to you both. Make sure you give Dtock our best. Bamboo shares my birthday so I'll have no excuses not to remember it. Get in touch if you get chance and drop me your address so I can organise some Birthday gifts for your little lad :)
I'm proper made up for you mate !!!!
You have my email address right ?