Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Three Days, Three Videos and Two Nights in Nong Khai

You will have to excuse me for not writing very much, the spacebar at the keyboard I write isn't very effective and certainly no help. I've just had a fantastic few days back up in Isaan and these three videos show the things that I've been getting up to.

Looking at the motorcycle one I suppose it could be taken on a much deeper level (humour aside), 'look how fast I'm going... very fast'. Dtock has just picked up her Thai visa, she's on her way back across the border now. Tonight we will get the train back to Bangkok, this is her last visa run before Bamboo's birth. Let's hope he doesn't feel the urge for a window seat along the way.

Having just read Kafka's The Trial, re-visiting the very town I stayed before I met Dtock (even the weather is exactly the same as it was) and visiting the considerably mind provoking Sala Keo Kou, I'm in deep and thoughtful mood at this arguably most important juncture of my life.

Goodbye for now Isaan I will always love you.

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